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Extended Show


  1. Examples

The following SHOW statements can be extended by using a WHERE clause and a LIKE clause to refine the results:

As with a regular SELECT, the WHERE clause can be used for the specific columns returned, and the LIKE clause with the regular wildcards.


| Tables_in_test       |
| animal_count         |
| animals              |
| are_the_mooses_loose |
| aria_test2           |
| t1                   |
| view1                |

Showing the tables beginning with a only.

SHOW TABLES WHERE Tables_in_test LIKE 'a%';
| Tables_in_test       |
| animal_count         |
| animals              |
| are_the_mooses_loose |
| aria_test2           |

Variables whose name starts with aria and with a valued of greater than 8192:

SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name LIKE 'aria%' AND Value >8192;
| Variable_name                | Value               |
| aria_checkpoint_log_activity | 1048576             |
| aria_log_file_size           | 1073741824          |
| aria_max_sort_file_size      | 9223372036853727232 |
| aria_pagecache_buffer_size   | 134217728           |
| aria_sort_buffer_size        | 134217728           |

Shortcut, just returning variables whose name begins with aria.

| Variable_name                            | Value               |
| aria_block_size                          | 8192                |
| aria_checkpoint_interval                 | 30                  |
| aria_checkpoint_log_activity             | 1048576             |
| aria_force_start_after_recovery_failures | 0                   |
| aria_group_commit                        | none                |
| aria_group_commit_interval               | 0                   |
| aria_log_file_size                       | 1073741824          |
| aria_log_purge_type                      | immediate           |
| aria_max_sort_file_size                  | 9223372036853727232 |
| aria_page_checksum                       | ON                  |
| aria_pagecache_age_threshold             | 300                 |
| aria_pagecache_buffer_size               | 134217728           |
| aria_pagecache_division_limit            | 100                 |
| aria_recover                             | NORMAL              |
| aria_repair_threads                      | 1                   |
| aria_sort_buffer_size                    | 134217728           |
| aria_stats_method                        | nulls_unequal       |
| aria_sync_log_dir                        | NEWFILE             |
| aria_used_for_temp_tables                | ON                  |
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