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1062 errors logging to sql errors log file on one of three servers

I have three servers. One master and two are slaves. I have a process that does an insert ignore the master and then does it again 5 seconds later to ensure the row has been written.

The servers are MariaDB 5.5.50 (CentOS 7.3) and 5.5.34 (CentOS 6.5).

A few weeks ago after making no changes what so ever, one of the slaves started logging the 1062 error(s) to the sql_errrors.log and I can not figure out why.

If I check the binary log on all three servers, I can find the insert ignore and the second one 5 seconds later on all three servers, so I know it is being executed everywhere.

I have diffed the server configs to make sure they are all the same.

Compared the mysql database between the servers for any differences.

I have logged in as the replication account and checked:

  1. show variables like 'sql_error%';
  2. show variables like '%mode%'; all settings return the same.

Can someone point me at anything else I can check to understand why the behavior for the one slave changed?

Answer Answered by Michael Widenius in this comment.

The above is not something that is related to documentation, but a bug/problem report. It's also not related in any way to MariaDB Enterprise Release notes.

Please submit the problem it to the MariaDB bug database so that we can process it properly. Please also include the relevant error logs and the commands that goes wrong. You should also try to manually run the query on the slave that gives you errors to check if you can repeat the problem.

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